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Saturday 28 May 2016

Google AdWords Introduction

Google AdWords Introduction

What Is Google AdWords?

A paid advertising platform provided by google for its users. It helps to create and manage various types of paid advertising campaigns in google, google search partners and google partner sites. 

Why AdWords?

It is not easy to stay in the top rank of organic search results of google for a long time, especially for the keywords which have more competition. In this scenario AdWords comes to helping us. The advertising that we are doing will help to bring more traffic to our site and more conversion happen. In high competitive cases AdWords can be very effective in our business growth and it ensures ROI (Return of Investment). 

AdWords helps the startup companies well, It is very difficult for startups to attract huge amount of customers easily. AdWords helps them to get more customers in limited periods. It ensure the presence of your company in the web among your competitors and also directed a good amount of visitors to your site who can be your customer.

Where Do These Ads Appear?

We are talking about the ads that appears above the organic search results while we are searching for something on google. 

Google Adwords example

NOTE : As per the latest Google updation in May 2016, Ads in the right side of the search result page are removed. Now the ads are only available in the top and bottom of the page above and below the organic results respectively.

These are not the only advertises that we can create and manage using Adwords. We can make ads for displaying in all google advertising networks by using the Adwords tool. 

There are 2 different Advertising networks are available in google.

1) Google Search Network
2) Google Display Network

We can display different kind of ads in both these Networks -Texts ads, Images, Videos, Rich media etc.


Google Search Network & How Ads Work In The Search Network

Google Search Network : Google search network includes Google search and other google search partners. The list includes other google sites, such as maps and other non - google search partners.

Google search partners : Search partners that allow Google to show ads in their search results. There is no official search partner list published by google. However, few well known search partners are

6)                     etc.......

General features of ads on the Goole Search Network.

The ads appear in the Google search network is mostly text ads. We can use different kind of extensions and different formats to make these ads different and more catchy in look.

google adwords-search network example

This is where ads appear in google search networks. The above image is the Google search result page for the search query " mobile phones ". There we can see the 2 ads by Flipkart and amazon respectively. There is a very mathematical approach in calculating the position of ads appearing in SERPs (Search Engine Result pages)

Google Display Network & How Ads Work In Display Network

Google Display Network: Google Display Network is a collection of google websites like blogger, gmail, YouTube, and other thousands of partner websites. The ads we are putting in display networks will appear on these websites. Adwards gives us a great opportunity to decide where our ads have to display. This network can cover more than hundred of countries and 30 languages approximately.

google adwords-display network example

This is an example of ads on YouTube (part of google display network). Here is doing display advertisement in one of the video that is getting a good number of views on YouTube.

General features of ads in display network 

Ads in display network have more importance to its look and feel. It has to be something really interesting. Then only you can be successful in it. Normally the ads displayed in google display networks are rich media, video, Info graphics etc

Will be back soon with More Details About Google AdWords ...................

1 comment:

  1. Just a superb Google AdWords introduction! This post is appropriate for beginners who are interested in Adwords. I was also in need of quality traffic to my educational blog and then learned Google Adwords Campaign Management for that. Now I run the marketing campaign on my own.


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