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Thursday 2 June 2016

Achieve High Ad Position By Spending Less Money

The dream of every businessman is to achieve more number of customers by spending less amount of money. Google gives you a chance to achieve the top ad rank by spending less bid price than your competitor. 

Bid Price/Bid Amount: The expected amount that the advertiser has to pay for each click on the ad.
Ad Rank: Position Of Ad in google listing.

How Can I Get Top Rank By spending Less Amount?

Google always wants to Provide the best user experience. They won't allow ads without quality to rank top in the list. So before providing a Position or Ad Rank to an advertisement, google asses the quality of the ads. And they provide quality score to ads. By considering Bid amount as well as Quality Score google takes decisions about the ad rank.

Quality Score 

Quality Score is the rating or score given by google to an ad for its quality. The factors which consider by google for giving Quality Score to an ad are

1) Expected Click Through Rate (CTR)
2) Ad relevance
3) Landing Page Experience

Quality Score is provided out of 10. Ad score 1 is the lowest score and 10 is the highest score.

Click Through Rate (CTR) : Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view that page.
Ad Relevance : How relevant your ad for a particular search query? Google analyse this and taken into account while providing quality score. 
Landing Page Experience : How much useful the content for the user?, How much easier to navigate? these are the main points google check to decide how good user experience this site can provide.

Apart from this constraints extension and other ad format also have some impact on ad ranks. Assume that two ads with same Quality Score and the bid amount is competing for a particular keyword. Then google will give preference to the ad with the extension and rank it on top.

Extensions Of Ads

It is a feature which allows us to add more business/product information in our ads like Phone number, Location etc. The major available extensions are

1) Call Extension(Phone Number)
2) Location Extension(Location Details)
3) Seller Ratings
4) Consumer Ratings
5) Website Link
6) Google+ Extension (Google+ Account/Page Info)

Hope that you got a fair idea about Quality Score. As I mentioned earlier google consider bid amount and ad score while providing an ad rank.

Assume that ad "A" has Quality Score 9, "B" has 7 and "C" has 5. Assume C is paying a highest bid amount, "B" is in second and "A" is paying lowest. But high quality score helps "A" to rank on first position. "B" and "C" has 2 nd and 3 rd position respectively. But still "C" have the opportunity to rank first by paying a bid amount which can overcome the scores of "A" and "B". But "A" and "B" can still regain their position by increasing bid rate to a little. 

Simply, what we can understand from this is A has to pay less amount to stand top comparing to "B" & "C". Ad "A" only has to pay an amount which can defeat the combined score (quality score and bid amount) of "B". The bid amount that "A" has to pay may be less than Ad "B"s Bid rate because of its high quality score.

So creating high quality ads will help you to achieve the top ad position as well more visitors by spending less amount comparatively.

Make quality landing pages with the best web development company............

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