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Sunday 12 June 2016

Setting Up Your Google AdWords Campaign

It is an exciting thing to start an adword campaign for the first time. Because we are going to run our online ad for the first time. Along with the excitement, there are a lot of things to worry about like the impact of our ad, responds of the public and ultimately the achievement of real goals.

The advertiser must have a clear picture about what they need from the ads as an output. So, according to that they have to select the suitable campaign type and campaign sub type.

Selection of Campaign Type

Selection of campaign type is nothing but the selection of Google advertising network in which advertiser likes to show his ads. The possible options are:

1) Search Network Only
2) Display Network Only
3) In Both Search & Display Networks

Search Network Only - If selected, this campaign type, the ads only appear on the Google search network. Assume that the ad is dealing with a plumbing service. Then the advertiser only wants to show his ad to the people who really searching for a plumbing service. In such a scenario the advertiser needs to do ads only on search network.

Display Network Only - If select this campaign type, ads appear only on Google display network. Assume that the ad is run by a dress shop, so they want to display their products to the public to get attraction. In such a situation display network is the most convenient one.

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In Both Search & Display Networks - If the ad needs to appear on both search network and display network, then this mode of campaign type has to choose.

Selection Of Campaign Sub Type

Selection of campaign subtype is also a big factor for a successful ad campaign. Major campaign sub types are :

1) Standard
2) All Features
3) Re Marketing
4) Ads In Mobile Apps

Standard - If you prefer simple overview and basic features for your ad, then we can go with this subtype. In standard campaigns, we have the options for basic location & language targeting, bidding and budget setting & common ad extensions. It doesn't provide the advanced options which are there in All Features Sub Types.

All Features - This campaign subtype provides all advanced features. It provides advanced options like social and experimental settings, ad scheduling, ad delivery methods & advanced location options. 

Remarketing - Show the ads to the people who already visited our site when they are browsing other sites in the display network. For example, assume that you had searched samsung S7 mobile in amazon. When you are using other websites in the display network, the ad of amazon about Samsung S7 will appear on your page. This is how re marketing works.

Ads In Mobile Apps - Nowadays users of mobiles increasing day by day. So the advertising in apps can also bring a good amount of viewers. Advertising about a product or website on a relevant mobile app is a good marketing strategy nowadays.

More Articles on Google Adwords

Basics of Google Adwords
Google Adwords Bidding Strategy

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